2012 so far

2012 has not been successful or particularly eventful so far for me. I am certainly not looking forward to turning 25…ugh.

Highlights so far:

I took a delightful trip to Amsterdam to visit my good friend Fenner. Fun times were had. My first time out of the UK for a while, but I survived!

Bought a Superman costume (because, let’s face it, who wouldn’t want a Superman costume). Wore it out at a superhero themed pub-crawl the other day. Very drunken occasion. (Pics below with me as Clark Kent and Superman.)

While in the Superman costume I sprayed my hair black for the night, which several people expressed as a preference. As such, I may soon dye my hair black. Blue hair has been fun, but I think I might be done with it now.

The biggest news this week is that I’ve started writing a novel. I woke up with the idea for it on Tuesday (had a series of unusual and memorable dreams this week, so that’s nice), and hopefully I’ll make some progress on it soon. It’d be nice to do something slightly more creative that taking bets at work or writing philosophy essays for a change. 🙂

That’s all for now folks.