Joe’s bio

Dear World,

I am a UK-based philosopher. I currently work for the University of Glasgow. Before coming here, I lectured in moral and political philosophy at St  Andrews. Here is a picture of me:


This is a place I very occasionally write something. I treat it as a bit of a cross between a soapbox and a diary. I update it very irregularly. If anyone reads it, great. Otherwise, I’ll survive.

My research focuses on ethics, and I try for the most part to live a ‘good life’, whatever that means. I’ve been a vegetarian most of my life, and am now vegan, and a boycotter of Nestlé, due to their unethical marketing practices. I have left-ish general political leanings. Lofty dreams of making the world a better place guide a lot of my activities, though few would guess it. I’m a keen football fan and a supporter of Manchester United. If you would like to know anything else, feel free to peruse this ‘blog’, or you could even ask me.

I also tweet every now and then: @JoeSlater87 

Yours faithfully,


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